"What's he got that I haven't got?" That's President Kennedy asking why his UN Ambassador, Adlai Stevenson, was so often respected and liked by women. Turns out he had listening skills.
”Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?”
Gandhi pointed out our hypocrisy, saying that Christians would have
better repute
if only they were
“more like your Christ.”
Micah summed it all up -
ethics and religion -
”Do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.”
Bernie’s Statement (& 2 others): the “Disastrous Campaign” – Wise & Blunt – “a Democratic Party which has abandoned working class people …”
Bernie's Statement. There were good reasons why he had such enormous and enthusiastic popular support.
Next 4
Get Timothy Snyder – On Tyranny. He Lists 20 Ways to Resist.
Timothy Snyder - On Tyranny. It's a best-seller, a LITTLE book, and is really really worth spending some time with.
Please, We CAN Enjoy the Love and Joy We Have – That Itself Is a Major Act Against the Fascism.
We CAN enjoy the love and joy while we are still here to do so. I think we should.
Brief Thoughts on the Election. Dare We Still Love?
... some brief thoughts on the election, things I've written or shared since Nov 1.
Maybe God IS Still Speaking, But Christians Don’t Want to Listen.
"God is still speaking", often symbolized by a comma, is a motto of the United Church of Christ. I wonder if they’re right.
14 More
GOP Imperial Presidency Lust – Sabotaging USA for Decades – cf 2006 NYT About George W
There is a GOP lust for an "Imperial Presidency." Still, I do know personally Republicans who are loyal Americans. Truly. And I know of other good, brave ones in our media and political environments...
Pauli Murray Opens Her Heart. Strongly Influenced Supreme Court, Civil Rights Movement. ◦
Pauli Murray laid legal groundwork for Ruth Bader Ginsburg -- and opened her heart in her poetry.
When God Speaks Without Words, Do You Notice? ◦
Are we alert enough, quiet enough now and then, to hear when God speaks without words?
Train Your Memory to Be a Blessing. Embrace These 2 Passages for Meditation. ◦
How do you train your memory? What do we regularly remind ourselves of, find ourselves repeating or dwelling on?
Lying, Stealing, Killing. Capitalism is THE GREAT Conspiracy, or Conspiracies. (Naomi Klein) ◦
Conspiracy theorists often get the feelings right, e.g. the feeling of being exhausted by predation and extraction.
If It Is Antisemitic to Complain About Israel, then the Hebrew Prophets and Jesus Were All Antisemitic. ◦
IF it is antisemitic to complain about Israel, Bible writers were anti-Semitic.
6 Bad But Common Christian Ideas. (Fate, Prayer, Power, Being Right, Get Saved, Sex). God IS better than that. ◦
These errors are false teachings that we hold though they make little or no sense, are not Biblical, and are in fact blasphemous. These 6 bad but common Christian ideas slander the good and loving...
Evangelicals Backslid from Jesus and the Bible. Sad. 4 Issues ◦
Are they anti-evangelicals - the Opposite - that which undoes the Evangel, the Gospel? We hear repeatedly that white evangelicals are massively Trumpist, that 81% of them voted for DJ in 2020. How...
Economic Justice in the Bible. It’s a Major Issue. (Edith Rasell) ◦
Economic justice holds a prominent place in the Bible. We should accept that fact, and honor it in understanding and in practice.
They “Had to” Go Home. Navalny to Russia; Jesus to Jerusalem. ◦
Navalny and Jesus, both under life-threat, both wanted to go to the centers - culturally, politically, biographically - of their lives.
What IS Maundy Thursday? It Emphasizes the #1 Ethical Standard. ◦
It's the Thursday before “Good Friday”, leading up to Easter. Often called “Holy Thursday”, also known by other names, Maundy Thursday features Jesus's "new commandment."
Naomi Klein: We Must Make Uncomfortable Alliances. ◦
Here is a strong call to seek a better world, and to risk “uncomfortable coalitions.” “It’s about what we make together.”
My Passages for Meditation: 3 Nourishing, Life-Changing Habits of Thought ◦
Ideas that we consider repeatedly – like I do with my personal passages for meditation – can set one’s life tone and direction.
Public Outcry in Nebraska – Then Gov Pillen Changed His Mind on $18 Million Child Food Aid. ◦
It seems a public outcry in Nebraska helped move Gov Jim Pillen (R) to rethink his priorities about food aid for kids (his priorities which were dealt with quite unfavorably here recently - Jan 8...