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God is still speaking? If so, some of us want to hear it.
Many are Sure That God’s NOT Still Speaking.
“Conservative” Christianity tends to argue that God has actually stopped speaking. He (always a “He” in those circles) said what He wanted to say, and that’s enough. We have the record in the Bible. If you try to expand upon that you are guilty of the sin of “adding to these words” warned against at the end of the book of Revelation.
(Actually, “Revelation” is a blistering underground condemnation of Rome’s empire, its greed, violence, and domination-lust, and a comfort for Christians living in that situation. Adding to or taking “words away from this scroll of prophecy” of Revelation would surely mean ignoring its original purpose — to condemn empire and give people hope under oppression.)
Well, Maybe …
Some of those folks will also say, contradicting themselves, that “the Lord spoke to me” or “God led me (or us)” into some course of action or thought. So in those cases, which are not uncommon, God IS still speaking, and they are the beneficiaries.
The Infallible WORD – that They Don’t Want
God has spoken, and it’s complete, and it’s infallible. They call it the Bible, or the “Word of God.”
Really really big problem there. They don’t actually like it. They reject what they DO have from God, what they say ARE the speakings of God. The ones who argue most vehemently are the ones who ignore most vigorously what God has said in those ancient writings.
See Also:
– When God Speaks Without Words, Do You Notice?
– 7 Signs of a Healthy, Christ-Following Christian Faith
They Want to Hear … But
They want to hear about abortion, but have to make up arguments because the Bible does not deal with the issue – least of all do Jesus and the New Testament writers, who are, after all, supposed to be the basis of the Christian faith.
They want to hear about denying civil rights for a variety of reasons, including voting rights and gender identity matters. But there are very few passages they use for this, and they are all taken out of context or misinterpreted / misapplied.
They want to hear about male domination, but have to ignore much of what Jesus says (and does), and twist and then blow way out of proportion instructions Paul gives, off the cuff, to specific cultural, historical situations.
They want to be encouraged in their love of money and, especially, their adulation of those who grab and hoard great piles of it. But they studiously, vigorously ignore or explain away blunt guidance from Jesus and Paul on that topic, not to mention the books of Proverbs, Isaiah, Micah, etc. Maybe they aren’t pretending not to see. Maybe they are carefully not looking.
The Great Fraud About “The Word (or Words) of God”
It could just be that a lot of them – especially the teacher-preacher-leader types – are just profoundly, completely avoiders, liars, twisters, frauds. Jesus had a word for that, and he used the word: “Hypocrites.” “You hypocrites!” Yup, he said that.
Even for them, God is still speaking – because, in fact, even according to their own self-serving take on the matter, God still speaks to their particular individuals or churchy groups.
But in spite of their avoidance and misrepresentation, those ancient words – the Bible – are still available to us. IF we read them with integrity, I betcha GOD CAN STILL SPEAK through them.
So, for Many “Christians” God is NOT Still Speaking.
Because they don’t want to hear even those ancient “God said it, I believe it, that settles it” teachings.
So for them, quite literally, God is NOT still speaking. God is trying. But they have locked God up in their Bibles, which they pretend to worship (i.e. love and obey). But they refuse to go look into it to see what God cares about. It’s scary to look! What if God is upset about stuff they love?!
If you love what God hates, or if you don’t love what God loves, you don’t love God. If you don’t want to know what God is concerned about today, you don’t love God. You may love your religion, or your religious group, but that’s a very different thing, one that the Bible writers often complain about.
If you don’t WANT to hear what God is saying, then you are right – to YOU, God is no longer speaking.
This is the tragic situation Micah observed in the prophets of the people of his time. There is NO MORE WORD FROM GOD. Or Isaiah, “He cannot say, is this not a lie in my right hand?”
BUT! There’s a NEW Voice of God for Our Day!
And those who really do not want to hear from the God of the Bible, the Christ of the New Testament, can , fairly easily it seems, change out those old sources for more contemporary ones.
Very popular right now is the false Christ, the orange anti-Christ, to whom so many “conservative Christians” have bowed their integrity, their brains, their love, their hopes, their lives – and whom they invoke to DOMINATE ALL THE REST of us. And his prophets over at Faux News (Fox Noose) hold unquestionable authority. That kind of Christian is right – when they only listen to THOSE as infallible sources, then God is not speaking, certainly not to them.
It’s horrendous, a completely backwards situation.
They Insist God is NOT Still Speaking
- Not speaking through anyone who is speaking truth, because they do not have the prior approval of Trump and Fox
- Not speaking through the Bible, because they refuse to listen to it – not even to Jesus, after whom they name their “Christian” churches.
In Fact God IS Still Speaking:
- As always, God is finding honest women and men, in churches and out, to tell the truth about what is going on in society, including, very directly, what is going on in religious establishments. (But those honest prohets of course do not have the imprimatur of the orange anti-Christ and his prophets.)
- The Bible is still very widely available. It still includes the 4 Gospels, the letter of James, the letters of Paul, Proverbs, Isaiah, the blistering prophecies of Micah. How much of the older “word of God” do they really want us to cut out!? Don’t avoid that question.
God IS still speaking, if we care to hear.
And, as of old, it is Good News.
But in order to hear it, if we’ve been following the false, bad news, we have to turn.
See Also:
– 6 Bad But Common Christian Ideas. (Fate, Prayer, Power, Being Right, Get Saved, Sex). God IS better than that.
– What Does the Book of Isaiah Teach Us? Things We Don’t Like! See Isaiah 1 For Example.
Questions for us:
1. Do you think God speaks today? Why do you think so (or why not)?
2. If someone’s spiritual leaders are ignoring major, clear Bible teachings, should that person ignore those teachers? To what extent?
Please add any comments below. (Your personal info is not required.)