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“It Will Happen Here.”  Solidarity is the Only Possible Response, or Good People Will Be Harassed & Killed.

When so many groups are under attack, solidarity – a decentralized collective response – is the only response. They’re attacking all of us to make us feel atomized and fearful.

When my grandfather told me stories of the Holocaust, it was never with the message of “It could never—it must never—happen here.” … his message was, “It will happen here.”
Believe me, I am sad and sorry that such things as these need to be written about my USA, about our USA.Dave Zirin. Fleible Solidarity. Decentralized Resistance. Against Violence and Lies.

Zirin’s proposal – strong, deliberate solidarity – is a modern version of Ben Franklin’s very sobering statement about the Declaration of Independence.  Franklin said, “We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.” Ben Franklin knew what the attitudes were in King George’s government, and that these colonists really were in serious danger.

Here’s Zirin’s fuller quote:

When my grandfather told me stories of the Holocaust, it was never with the message of “It could never—it must never—happen here.” Instead, with the craggy grimace of a scarred cynic, his message was, “It will happen here.

As with Ben Franklin and King George, Dave Zirin knows what the attitudes are in Donald Trump’s government – and that it certainly can happen here – is in fact beginning.  Therefore?  Therefore he wisely warns: “A collective response is the only response.” (Zirin, Sports writer for “The Nation”, wrote that in Oct 2018 in “A Call for Solidarity in the Face of Hate”.)

When so many groups are under attack, a collective response is the only response… This isn’t a war on any individual group. They are attacking all of us in a manner meant to make us feel as atomized and fearful as the white-knuckled Fox News viewer.

Hannah Arendt, in The Origins of Totalitarianism spoke of

the Soviet creation of “atomized man” and “mass man” as ways to

  • to keep the terror fresh in everyone’s mind,
  • to keep people feeling helpless and powerless,
  • ESPECIALLY, to keep people isolated from others with the same fears, awareness, and vulnerability.

It worked – for many years.

When so many groups are under attack, a collective response is the only response… This isn’t a war on any individual group. They are attacking all of us in a manner meant to make us feel atomized and fearful.

And lest we miss the breadth of the threat of our American fascism, he gives us a list:

We have before us a fascist movement, an armed backlash aimed at

  • black
  • and brown people,
  • Jews,
  • Muslims,
  • women,
  • the LGBTQ community,
  • the media,
  • and also aimed at the left.

Here’s a longer list – you are quite likely to find yourself on it 🙁

But Zirin’s main point is that YOU – WE – are in fact under threat, and

The only way to hope to stand against it is to stand together. Solidarity means:

  • going public.
  • standing WITH some people
    • we may not feel comfortable with,
    • or some of whose convictions or behaviors or priorities we seriously disagree with.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”We are many, they are few, but that will not last. Solidarity is the only way to win.  I don’t see another alternative, other than losing. And if we lose, we lose everything.” quote=”We are many, they are few, but that will not last. Solidarity is the only way to win.  I don’t see another alternative, other than losing. And if we lose, we lose everything.”]

“Next” Has Already Arrived

It is not the case that “your community could be next.” Next has already arrived. Every community is already under attack. The president is a fascist horticulturalist, planting the seeds of violence across the country. He must be stopped.

His shock troops must be stopped.

We, at least for now, are many and they are few, but that dynamic will not last. I have never been more convinced that solidarity is the only way to win, because I don’t see another alternative, other than losing. And if we lose, we lose everything.

“We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”

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