
Everything is Damaged – Crucial Fact 2 of 4

Damage, all around.

4 Crucial Facts: Beauty, Damage, Grace, Kingdom

Damage All Around

Just acknowledging reality, even a terribly unpleasant one like this, puts us in a better place to deal with it.

Damage comes in all kinds of ways:

  • It can be from a tornado, hurricane, or fire,
  • or from a childhood with significant physical or emotional abuse;
  • it can be from poor planning in construction,
  • or lack of discipline in managing one’s own life and habits;
  • it can be from natural decay,
  • from a birth defect, or disease, or accident;
  • it can arise from human nastiness, even deliberate destruction by humans, including ones who were responsible to prevent destruction.
  • You can think of more …

If you are a “person of faith” of any kind, facing this helps one to be much more realistic in that faith.

This is often really nasty stuff – it ranges from minor to horrible beyond speech.

Being aware of the extent can help put our own situations in more honest, even more endurable, perspective.

It can help us be more appropriately present to other people who are up against something.

It can make us more honest about what perhaps needs to be done in our world – physically, politically, in our communities, churches, workplaces, homes, inner lives.

For a person of faith of any kind, facing this helps one be much more realistic. This is often really nasty stuff - it ranges from minor to horrible beyond speech. Being aware can help put our own situations in more honest, even more endurable, perspective.Click To Tweet


Four Basic Facts: (introductory post)

  1. There is Beauty All Around.
  2. Everything is Damaged.
  3. God Comes to Us In Costly Grace.
  4. God is Building His New Economy.

See also:

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