Love and Truth

There’s Beauty All Around – Crucial Fact 1 of 4

There is in this life a great variety of beauty.

4 Crucial Facts: Beauty, Damage, Grace, Kingdom

Beauty All Around

Here’s a list from a recent post:

  • from flowers
  • to trees
  • to sunsets,
  • from dogs
  • to music
  • to a building,
  • from a child learning to walk
  • to an excellent move on the basketball court
  • to a speech,
  • to math,
  • from the way people work together to do something good for the community
  • to cattle in a pasture
  • to how a human body can heal itself.
  • Here’s room for you to think of a few of your own:

Seeing, or especially appreciating, beauty in any form, depends on willingness and ability to look or listen.

Sometimes a person has to calm themselves and just deliberately open up to beauty, small or large – has to at least temporarily surrender anxiety, fear, hate, resentment, lust, and allow beauty to come into awareness.  Those activities can be well worth the effort.

The reality of beauty all around does not take away point two, damage,

BUT it still makes it a lot more pleasant to live in this world.

It can in fact help one deepen one’s own inner life, and be more calm and wisely present in this life.  Some would say, and I am one of them, that the great beauty that shows so frequently in this world is an actual evidence that there is a greater Beauty underlying things, a Beauty that breaks through the nastiness of this place with high frequency.

I cannot believe that the inscrutable universe
turns on an axis of suffering:
surely the strange beauty of the world
must somewhere rest on pure joy.

– Louise Bogan


Four Basic Facts: (introductory post)

  1. There is Beauty All Around.
  2. Everything is Damaged.
  3. God Comes to Us In Costly Grace.
  4. God is Building His New Economy.


[click_to_tweet tweet=”I cannot believe that the inscrutable universe turns on an axis of suffering: surely the strange beauty of the world must somewhere rest on pure joy. – Louise Bogan” quote=”I cannot believe that the inscrutable universe turns on an axis of suffering: surely the strange beauty of the world must somewhere rest on pure joy. – Louise Bogan”]

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