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It’s so fun to watch Buddy being stately
out on a tie-out, or in his pen, or standing on the couch, or wherever. When he stands alertly, or sits tall, or does the point. I used to like watching Danger like that too (though she was a much smaller dog, a Dachshund).
This morning I was thinking about that “simple” delight. He is a good-looking dog – nice color and accents, nice body shape – strong and stately and balanced. I know there are lots of people with “ugly” dogs but who still delight in the companionship and doggy personalities. But this is pretty cool – especially for a dog we did not choose. He just showed up without invitation, needing some medical attention, no chip, and all kinds of checking could not find a prior owner.
The unexpected, gift nature of this particular small pleasure … nice.
Then I think – The Lord delights in his “habitable earth.” (Pro 8)
there is beauty all around.
And under and beyond it all, there is the joy. Under and behind “this inscrutable world” there is actually a foundation of “pure joy.” (Louise Bogan)
God is not the shallow cynic or manipulator we find in so much “evangelical” theology nor the irrational evil determinist of “Calvinist” or “reformed” theology.
God loves and weeps and rejoices.
And God is
- not fretting,God is not the shallow cynic or manipulator we find in so much “evangelical” theology nor the irrational evil determinist of “Calvinist” or “reformed” theology.
- not surprised,
- not panicked.
- God is calm,
- not distracted,
- focused – though not tense.
- God is clear-minded,
- utterly at peace within Himself (Herself, Itself, God’s Self) and His projects.
- God is actually pleased, deeply pleased with all that the true Gospel is truly getting done in this race and era.
God delights in all “His habitable world”,
and that word “inhabitable” implies or brings attention to the human component which, according to Scripture, is even more amazing and delightful to God than all the rest.
- That’s a lot.
- That requires focus and love from US.
God is never in I-It. God is always in I-Thou.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”The unplanned, gift-nature of this particular small pleasure … nice. Then I think – The Lord delights in his ‘habitable earth.’ There is much wickedness and cause of sorrow in our world.. Still, there is beauty all around.” quote=”The unplanned, gift-nature of this particular small pleasure … nice. Then I think – The Lord delights in his ‘habitable earth.’ There is much wickedness and cause of sorrow in our world. Still, there is beauty all around.”]Sometimes Bud’s just chillin’.
Thanks, Larry… And thank you, Buddy!
Thanks, Jack. Buddy misses you.