Contents of this Post
- Turn the other cheek. IS that true nonviolence? It can be, in fact, blunt resistance.
- “Turn the other cheek” actually encourages subversive, even dangerously subversive behavior.
- I have four arguments.
- First, the subject at hand was violent retaliation.
- Second, Jesus himself was not submissive to the unjust or irrational use of authority.
- Third, the phrase “do not resist” sends a message very different from what the underlying Greek conveys.
- Fourth, – turn the other cheek.
- An alternative “third way”:
Turn the other cheek. IS that true nonviolence? It can be, in fact, blunt resistance.
[See a summary of this post.]
Are Christians permitted to resist? Some think “turn the other cheek” means we should be doormats.
“Doormat” was not Jesus’ style, to say the least, nor the style of his followers in New Testament times. He and they were compassionate, and they were non-violent, but they were not doormat quality.
“Turn the other cheek” actually encourages subversive, even dangerously subversive behavior.
You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.
I have four arguments.
- First, when Jesus uttered those words his topic was the avoidance of violence; so we should expect the instruction that follows to deal with ways to avoid violence, which is a different focus than instruction about submission.
- Second, Jesus and his disciples did not behave in subservient or unjustly cooperative ways toward secular or religious authorities.
- Third, the phrase “do not resist” is a poor English choice for the Greek wording Matthew used.
- Fourth, the physical event of being struck on the right cheek presents an interesting problem.
More explanation:
the subject at hand was violent retaliation.
He set a very different example. He often publicly pointed out injustice or hypocrisy, and frequently irritated or even enraged “the powers that be.” It is not possible to imagine the real Jesus of history coaching other people in door-mat-ness. That was just not his way of thinking or operating.
the phrase “do not resist” sends a message very different from what the underlying Greek conveys.
I dislike fussing about Greek words and translation problems, since the translations we have are extremely reliable. But there are a few places, and this is one, where we understand better if we translate better. This really should be rendered more like “do not retaliate violently,” or “do not get violent against”. That, you see, is different.
Jesus was a resistant kind of person. He did not practice nor counsel non-resistance. He did, however, counsel non-violence.
– turn the other cheek.
Imagine being struck on your right cheek. You probably get hit by the striker’s right hand, which means you get backhanded. Backhanding does not happen in a fair face-off. Backhanding is an insult, punishment, or just plain abuse. Back then it represented a clear situation of oppression or dominance. So you could 1) fight back (not smart), or 2) meekly take it, maybe with “Yes, Sir”.
An alternative “third way”:
Now Jesus suggests a third approach. Offer the other cheek.
You are not fighting back, but neither are you meekly taking it. You are asking for more! You may get it or you may not, but either way you’ve made a point or two. You are not exactly what they think you are, and you know it; you are a person, and deserve more equal treatment and respect as a person; you are aware of the truth behind the fraud. You know they also are not who they think they are.
You are amplifying awareness of, and insulting, their bullying behavior and the system that allows it. And you are demonstrating respect for yourself and for others similarly mistreated.
SO if my take is accurate:
1. Jesus insists on integrity and justice.
And the pursuit of those values often precipitates conflict with powers and customs, and often requires deliberate resistance.
2. But Jesus also insists on non-violence.
The point is, we can often (always?) be both a) non-violent and b) resistant, cheeky, or openly subversive. We can be non-violent and still act and speak in ways that resist and undermine falsehood and unjust power. And that, I believe, is a good part of what Jesus is after in this short teaching. Christians clearly have a role to play in exposing and resisting evil.
See Also: Jesus and Evil People – Strong Resistance with Non-Violence (A summary version of today’s post.)
See the awesome little book Jesus and Nonviolence, by Walter Wink.
Walter Wink treats most of these issues in this excellent little book Fortress Press, 2003. It’s a very easy read, but a substantial survey of the issues both historically and theologically – quite an achievement in such a small space! I highly recommend it.
From Jan, 2005. Edited, 2016, 2023.
See Also:
New to all of this folks – I don’t go to bible classes or anything. Not been to church in 30+ years. Just looking for a nice speech for my Mothers funeral tomorrow. Came across this site by accident, and I don’t get with the hostility. How can anyone be hostile with the words of God? Hey- Im not religous but I am saying this.
I am not theologian (bad spelling I suspect) yet I understand the point of this post. It is so so simple – God Loves. Duh….
Now you guys- chill out. You need not to know anything more. Heck- I don’t even “do” the bible and I can see the truth in all this…… God loves so just trust in that. Jesus was clever. Cool guy. I get the other “turn the cheek stuff”. If I can get that, why can;t you. Maybe I sould go to church ah???????
I’m not going to obey when I’m asked to endanger children! Would you obey Hitler or the Sanhedrin? Would you have sided with those who were responsible for the death of Jesus. The governing body during that day was responsible for Christ death, would you have participated in that! For doing the right thing my family and I have been blacklisted. All because of some clown in a high place is domineering, tyrannical, prideful and perceive himself as God. This person feel like they are so important that they can order a non-violent person, who has never placed anyone in danger in their life to, murder, hurt or harm even the innocent. God have much much mercy on this sick sick world! Someone has surly dumbmanized people who think like you and that is a lot.
Nice! You write devotionals? I write them for teens at my site!
A lot of the anonymous older comments had names attached until I changed software and lost the connection of names to comments. That was sad.
People are free to comment anonymously or with their real names. I reserve the right to edit comments (and will indicate it when I do so) or to not publish trashy comments.
This is a test.
This looks like a place I might like to visit and engage with other seekers, but I HATE “anonymous” postings. If people want to hide, they can use ficticious names, but I find it impossible to have a conversation with a group of “anonymous”‘s and won’t bother to come here if that is what it is going to be.