Healthcare, Insur, Soc Sec Progr Christians Reader Stories

Moral Values in Teaching and Nursing

Here, from a nurse’s blog, are some values I certainly agree with. It makes no mention of Christian values, Biblical values, or “family values.” Does it represent those things as you understand them?

So, just because I don’t remember your name doesn’t mean I didn’t truly care about you. I gave you everything that I could.

I believe in the inherent value of every student as a human being … Students do not mind a class that is difficult as long as they perceive that the instructor is fair, objective, and caring.

I believe in the value of nursing …The innate worth and dignity of humankind gives nurses a high calling to be skilled, compassionate, and wise in their work.

Is teamwork a Christian value?

Nursing is usually a team effort. I want students to develop camaraderie and learn to work together as a team as they push each other to master the information and skills.

Ohh. Here comes a high demand to place on teachers.

Students should see that their teachers love what they do, and love the subject matter that they teach.

I care for people, and I want the best for them. Whether they are stressed out students, or ill patients, I strive for their best possible outcome, whatever that is.

Ahh, and the way you judge the people you’re working with – does Christian morality impinge on that?

My primary assumption is that each student has the same desire to be an excellent nurse that I have. I assume that they have a genuine concern for suffering humanity and want to provide relief and comfort, just like I do.

Hmm. If we could sit Jesus down and make him write a short essay on his philosophy of teaching, I wonder what it would say? Could he accept something close to this next paragraph?

Instead of the “Sage on the Stage”, I want to be a “Guide on the Side”. Instead of force feeding information so that students can regurgitate it for an exam, I want to engage students in serious thinking activities that will cause them (and me) to attain critical thinking skills leading us to a lifetime of serious inquiry and learning.

Here’s a voice of experience with some info for you – that attitude could get you into a lot of WORK!

The prior post was

Once I was scared of the ICU. That is what made me a good ICU nurse. Now, I don’t care. I am sick of the same old half-dead-before-they-even-came-in nursing home patients that need to be in ICU because nobody else can seem to monitor their urine output correctly. It scares me that I don’t care.

On the other hand …

I took care of a sweet little Pediatric the other night. Actually, not really a Ped, cuz she was 19. But she was about 60 pounds and mentally about a six month old. But I worried about her, and held her hand, and almost cried because we couldn’t find a trache that would fit her and the ventilator quite right. But she did well, and went home in a couple of days. Really, really big eyes! I remember her name.

Seems like I only remember the names of the people that I actually care about. Well, that’s not entirely true. There are a lot of sweet old ladies, and cool old Vets, whose names and faces all blur together. I hold their hands the same, and tell them that it really is no problem for me to stay all night and take care of them. In fact, it’s my job.

I’m just wondering. Is that Christian morality, even if it’s not quoting the Bible at me or trying to make me feel guilty about something?

And for some of you, I would do it even if I didn’t get paid. So, just because I don’t remember your name doesn’t mean I didn’t truly care about you. I gave you everything that I could.

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  • I attended nursing school at the University of Texas. Not only do they teach nursing, but many excellent doctors come from branches of UT here in Texas. I had to leave during my 3rd semester or senior year due to family issues. Although I was in nursing school in the 80s, I found moral values being taught, but quite frankly, in total, my Christian values sometimes differed from other student’s values if they weren’t a Christian. The nursing school would clearly point out, but we still have to learn about certain procedures. Knowledge is power. I never shirk, squirmed or tried to use my Christian morality to get out of learning, but I will tell you this, many things I learned solidified my faith and Christian values. All but one of my instructors loved nursing and taught it with such conviction and taught each student as if they were there to help humankind. I found the greatest care was given towards every student that each of us has different beliefs and thus, we are to approach each patient in the same manner. In other words, respect was taught for one another and our patients. Nurses and doctors must respect another person’s beliefs, morality and ideas even though they might disagree with them. I was glad to proclaim my faith during that time when God gave me the opportunity and He did.