American Empire, War

Things Are Going “Just Fine” in Iraq?

HBK gave us a good list of quick links about how “well” things are going in Iraq. I looked them all up to provide headlines. Notice that this quick survey of world press reports on events related to our war are all within a very recent three-day period. Here’s HBK’s comment as edited:

Yeah, Cindy is wrong about the war. Just look at all the “wonderful” things that are happening over in Iraq.

  • Report Says Number of Attacks by Insurgents in Iraq Increases (NYT Feb 9)
  • Iraq Utilities Fall Below Prewar Levels (Houston Chronicle Feb 9)
  • U.S. officials have met figures from some Sunni Arab insurgent groups but have so far not received any commitment for them to lay down their arms… (Forbes, AP, Feb 8)
  • Bodies of UK troops return from Iraq (“Channel 4″, England, Feb 8)
  • Gasoline Crisis in Iraq (, Feb 8)
  • A car bomb exploded in central Baghdad as the Iraqi higher education minister’s convoy passed by, interior ministry sources said. (AlJazeera, Feb 8)
  • BUSH REFUSES TO CONFRONT THE TRUE COST OF THE IRAQ WAR The war in Iraq is estimated to cost the United States about $100,000 a minute, or nearly $200 million a day. But the bill will ultimately be much worse. (, Feb 8)
  • Iraq Coalition Shrinking The Ukrainians are long gone. So are the Norwegians. The Italians and South Koreans are getting ready to leave, and the Britons and Japanese could begin packing their bags later this year. (News from the Kindred Valley, Feb 8)
  • A top U.S. official overseeing Iraq reconstruction said Tuesday the $18.4 billion for rebuilding the war-ravaged country will run out before major projects are finished. (, Feb 8)
  • Britain to Withdraw Troops from Iraq. Government denies existence of secret timetable ( [Korean], Feb 8)
  • Nearly half of the money funding insurgents comes from outside the country, according to a senior Iraqi official. But officials suggest old sources are drying up and the radical groups are turning to ransom kidnappings to finance their guerrilla attacks. There are up to 10 kidnappings every day in Baghdad alone. ( [Arizona], Feb 8)
  • Gunmen opened fire today on a group of Shi’ites peforming religious rituals in Baghdad, wounding six people, police said. (Deepika, Feb 8)
  • Imagine if masked men burst out of a car, grabbed your son from outside your home, then spirited him away past two nearby U.S. military checkpoints. The next day, you find your son at the Baghdad city morgue. That happened to one grieving father we found today, collecting his son’s body. He said the young man had no enemies. Or none he knew of, until today. U.S. diplomats say this kind of thing has been happening for months (, Feb 7)

Oh yeah, I’d say things are going fine over there.

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