American Empire, War Fraud (Lies, Fear) Truth and Reconciliation

How To Behave At Funerals (w/ Update)

Here’s an awesome little video clip of Dr. Joseph Lowery’s mini-sermon at Mrs. King’s funeral. This is not my style of preaching, but I love it. I love seeing someone hit the right tone, get in profound and memorable and telling lines, connect so appropriately with the audience and with the occasion. And four US Presidents (Bush, Clinton, Bush, Carter) are sitting there beside him on the platform!

[Info in this paragraph is from my prior blog-post] There is already criticism this evening in the Right Wing Corporate Media about Coretta Scott King’s funeral today. The radical right media are offended that African Americans don’t know how to conduct themselves at funerals. They laugh. They cry. They celebrate. They tell the truth about political behaviors and priorities.

Video link: How To Behave At Funerals! [Give it a minute to find itself on the page.]

How marvelous that Presidents and Governors come to mourn and praise. But in the morning, will words become deeds that meet needs?

“We know now there were no weapons of mass destruction over there [standing ovation], but Coretta knew and we know that there are weapons of misdirection right down here. Millions without health insurance. Poverty abounds. For war billions more but no more for the poor.”

Update Thursday 5:57 pm
Fox, always “fair and balanced” edited out most of the 23-second standing ovation Dr. Lowery got for his remarks about weapons. This is from

While Lowery’s remarks were greeted with 23 seconds of applause and a standing ovation, the clip Fox News aired presented nine seconds of applause and little hint of the standing ovation — and no indication that the clip had been doctored.

The clip was aired during a segment in which guest host Chris Wallace asked his “Fox All-Star” panel to comment on Lowery’s remarks. Fox’s editing of the clip apparently had some effect on Wallace’s own guest, Roll Call executive editor Morton M. Kondracke, who while apparently having formed one impression based on what he had heard about the crowd’s response to the remarks, concluded from the curtailed video that “it wasn’t exactly uproarious in its response.”

Now, if you are anywhere near “fair and balanced” you point out that much of the response has been deleted by your own network prior to airing. But “fair and balanced” has different meanings for different people it seems.

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