
List of Bush Lies and Betrayals

October 22, 2004


I receive comments and emails demanding that I point out “even one” case where Bush betrayed or misled us. Sad to say, in this real world where we actually live, Bush has misled us over and over.

  • He tells us we are gaining jobs.
  • He tells us drugs from Canada are too dangerous to allow in.
  • He tells us the bulk of his tax cuts went to the middle class.
  • He said he would be a uniter, not a divider.
  • He knowingly slandered the character and record of Sen John McCain during the primaries in 2000, purely for personal political gain, and his agents have done the same to many others through the years.
  • Kerry voted to give authority to Bush to wage war in Iraq because Bush promised to do it as a “last resort” and in cooperation with our allies and the United Nations. Bush enthusiastically betrayed those promises and clearly planned all along to do so.

Am I up to one betrayal yet?

  • He said we had to invade Iraq immediately because Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction program was an immediate threat to us and to the rest of the world.
  • He tells us borrow-and-spend economics and immense federal debt is good for us, our children, and our grandchildren.
  • He got Democrats to support his “No Child Left Behind” bill by a very explicit promise to fully fund it if they would pass it. They did. He didn’t, still hasn’t, and won’t. (Some Texas school districts meet the guidelines for NCLB high test scores by making sure students who might do poorly drop out before they get to test time.)
  • He supports the fraudulent and slanderous “Swift Boat Veterans” tv ad campaigns that are polluting the airwaves and morals of the entire nation.

Are we up to one lie yet?

  • He says he is strongly supportive of our troops and their families, and of our veterans and their families.
  • He deliberately caused the American people to believe there was a link between Saddam and Al Qaeda, and thus between Saddam and 9/11. The administration’s efforts on that particular deception were so effective that a large minority of people still think it’s the case.

These are just off the top of my head. We could write pages on this.

Do Christian moral values have relevance here? Is truthfulness of greater value to us in the real world than nice-sounding but false promises? I think Christians have to put a great deal of weight on truthfulness and trustworthiness. Betrayal is not a virtue.

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  • President Bush followed President Clinton in approving Free Trade and pushed the passing of Fast Track which makes the Executive Branch like a “CEO” of global trade in respect to the USA. President Clinton pushed through NAFTA and GATT unfair trade agreements and committed the USA to the WTO rulings over trade issues. Clinton and Bush joined hands completely in this new “ism” called Globalism betraying the American workers and workers everywhere.

    In the end we have vast trans-national corporations, elite groupings from both parties and international entities like the WTO governing the flow of wealth in the world outside any real democratic process and certainly without the consent of the workers involved. Workers are now victims of this new “ism” that is an umbrella over all the other older “isms” of the world.

    President Bush started a war and while he hides our economic mess. The unemployment rate is very questionable as it was during the Clinton years. We can pass miles of boarded up stores and empty factories in our cities with many dead towns due to so called Free Trade. Only a few mention the severity of the problem. Lou Dobbs of CNN seems to be the only one in the media challenging this terrible mess. The media hovers over meaningless left right issues while ignoring the most important issue of our times— the most massive dislocation of jobs in US history. Only about 88 million workers in our country now have full time jobs. This means there are about 100 million workers in limbo. Many have only part time jobs. Many others are missing in action from any kind of reporting. Get America Working advocacy claims that one half of all of our human resources in the USA is not being used.

    Clinton and Bush are one in the same when it comes to this great betrayal of workers. Workers are the real commodity involved with free trade. They are put on a world trading block to compete with one another with the lowest common denominator down to wage slave and even child labor.

    Human Dignity in the workday is ignored while we fight unjust wars.
    God Help us Now!

    For more information see Tapart News and Art that Talks by Ray Tapajna at




    and view The Pearl Harbor Attack on the American Worker art by Ray Tapajna at http://www.graphicsforums.com/public/search.asp?query=Ray+Tapajna

    View all the Cross 9/11 Tangle of Terror artwork asking who will now untangle the terror Globalism and Free Trade have bred.