Quick Spiritual Check-ups

Spiritual Tune-up: A Healthy Bag of 6 ONE-LINERS.

These are the 1-liners featured in recent Spiritual Tune-up Articles. They are worth a few minutes of attention.

Spiritual tune-up[See titles of all the Spiritual Tune-up Articles.]

Click the sentence to see the original short spiritual tune-up article.

The first act of love is always the giving of attention.
Dallas Willard

Today I will do what others won’t,
so tomorrow I can do what others can’t.

– Jerry Rice

God is the friend of silence …
We need silence
to be able to touch souls.

– Mother Teresa

There is absolutely nothing
in what Jesus himself or his early followers taught
that suggests you can decide just to enjoy forgiveness
at Jesus’s expense
and have nothing more to do with him.

– Dallas Willard

Hypocrisy or insincerity
is the first thing to guard against in prayer.
Beware not to say what you do not mean.
… Pour out your heart before Him.

– John Wesley

I fear the spirit of melancholy and constraint.
— Francis de Sales

[clickToTweet tweet=”Hypocrisy or insincerity is the first thing to guard against in prayer. Beware not to say what you do not mean. … Pour out your heart before Him. – John Wesley” quote=”Hypocrisy or insincerity is the first thing to guard against in prayer. Beware not to say what you do not mean. … Pour out your heart before Him. – John Wesley”]


There is one Kingdom that is truly Honest, Holistic, and Humane.
Jesus and the Prophets described it, and taught us how to pursue and build it.
In frightening times of crisis after crisis – like now –
we need to stay focused on this project!


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