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It’s YOUR New Year.
Maybe you can’t change a whole lot in your life or your self. Maybe you don’t WANT to change a whole lot. Maybe you don’t even want to change ANYTHING. How nice ?.
But – maybe in an area or two. After all, within certain very real limits, it is your life – to do with as you please.
Certain Very REAL LIMITS
Some of us may be in a place where “certain very real limits” are quite stringent, very interfering, very unpleasant. I have a distant relative, half my age, with 3 children still at home, who is dying of cancer, and will probably see the new year, but not much of it. A very active, creative person – this is not the scenario she would have chosen. Still, she has proven that you can give up and mope your way through your days,
OR you can summon what energy you have to enjoy what you can, do good and love your neighbors – at least part of the time. So, the realm of freedom for that person is pretty narrow, but it matters. If the realm of freedom for you personally is somewhat narrow, still it matters.
Others Of Us Have MORE FREEDOM
as to what we do, or where, how, with whom, and with what attitudes. I have a couple of recommendations for the use of our freedom in 2018 – to bring some changes, or growth, some healthy and pleasant developing of ourselves. Not necessarily “resolutions” like “THIS IS GONNA HAPPEN EVERY SINGLE DAY OR ELSE!”. But a strengthened focus on two or thee good things. Because that can truly help.
1. Feel better! Find some activity or plan – maybe something you worked on last year – that you know will make you feel better physically. Then, work on it. You don’t have to increase your life span by 20 years, or become a new American Idol of some kind. But it would be nice to feel a little better, wouldn’t it?
2. Grow Up! Spiritually. Put focus on developing your spiritual life – or keep the focus if it’s already there. “Train yourself in godliness.” This might have to do with prayer, or with your church involvement. It might be a focus on the attitudes you hold or express when you are with other people. There can be movement in the right direction.
[clickToTweet tweet=”We all live with limits but WE decide HOW we will live with those limits. Train in godliness; think on the good. Grow to feel better physically as well.” quote=”We all live with limits but WE decide HOW we will live with those limits. Train in godliness; think on the good. Grow to feel better physically as well.” theme=”style6″]“Train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”
1 Timothy 4:7
What is IMPORTANT to You?
Figure it out. Notice, welcome, and appreciate those things. That strengthens them. Increase them if you can – we often can.
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”
Philippians 4:8
See also:
I like this – not high intensity, but hopeful.