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Violence and Chaos, New Orleans after Katrina – Gee, I’m Shocked

The Washington Post tells me this morning, “Armored military vehicles and national guard troops started moving into New Orleans Thursday morning amid continuing reports of violence and chaos in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.”

Of COURSE there’s violence and chaos. These people were left to die, and now are even more clearly being left to die. They don’t need armored vehicles bringing bullets to shoot at them. They need trucks, boats and planes bringing water, food, and rescue.

And they know very well that this government – their government – will spend BILLIONS and will mobilize with extreme rapidity on behalf of whatever it really wants to do. It just doesn’t look like dying poor people in America’s cities happen to be on their government’s list of things to care about. We know the money is there. We know the busses, planes, trucks and personnel are there. But they are not available when it’s a matter of life and death. They are not being moved until it is way too late, and way too little. Where are the morals? Where are the values?

God may move slowly, but God is nobody’s fool. Be careful, America. Speak up, America.

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  • I am fully “recovered” from my/our ordeal, so-to-speak.

    I am ready to participate in my old rambunctious way!
