Books Etc

“Bombs are the same…” – C. S. Lewis

She was beautifully, delicately made,
So small, so unafraid,
‘Till the bomb came.
Bombs are the same,
Beautifully, delicately made.
— C. S. Lewis


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  • Here here bookaholic!! I so agree. I love CS Lewis and what he had to say is so true. A bomb is a bomb is a bomb. And, as the other readers, I’m angry with the Democrats as well. My sympathies were with Cindy Sheehan recently. I felt her same sentiments. I did expect more from the Democrats since last fall, and think they have succumbed to Bush & Co. I continue to fervently pray that God make known the truth of those things that are hidden. BTW, how many Iraqi citizens have died in this war?

  • Many states require you to pre-register with a party to participate in that party’s primary. Others allow independents only to pick like you do. For others, it’s completely optional, but listed for informational purposes. The party’s do track that data, and would notice a sudden change.

  • No voice at all?

    “Their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave.”

    Do slaves vote?