American Empire, War Music, Poetry

The Expendability of Children – Who Cares? 2 Very Short Poems, CS Lewis, Wendell Berry

Child with Bomb. Who Cares?

She was beautifully, delicately made,
So small, so unafraid,
Till the bomb came.
Bombs are the same,
Beautifully, delicately made.

C. S. Lewis

State briefly the ideas, ideals, or hopes
the energy sources, the kinds of security,
for which you would kill a child.
Name, please, the children whom
you would be willing to kill.

Wendell Berry


C. S. Lewis, in Poems, edited by Walter Hooper, 1964. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. This is from a section entitled “Epigrams and Epitaphs” at the end of the book.

Wendell Berry, in New Collected Poems, 2012. CounterPointPress. p375. This is stanza 5 in a poem called “Questionnaire.”

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