On What Issues Will American Christians Be Judged?

Comments from 2004 on the “be Judged?” sermon …


I would like to echo the sentiment of many here who feel that the church has left them. I have been a Christian since age 12 and have attended a Southern Baptist Church since that time. I cannot believe the changes that have taken place in the last two election cycles at least, within this denomination.

The closer an election gets, the more isolated my family and I feel in our own Church. It’s like no one is in touch with the Gospels anymore – every sermon preached ends up at abortion and homosexuality. Prayers sound like paid political advertisements. It has come to the point that I have gotten on the internet to seek out more mainstream Baptist churches in my area. I hate to do this, but I feel strongly that we are called to be a part of a “church family.” I feel like I am the “black sheep” if I continue on where I currently worship.

I prayed daily before the election that God would open the eyes, ears, minds and hearts of Christians in the U.S.. I think He answered my prayer, because I have corresponded with many Christians who feel as I do, but too many Christains see politics as a crusade, and they don’t care who gets hurt as long as they win. There are too many Pharisees out there saying they speak for all Christians, and too many Christians out there with “itching ears.” Just my thoughts.

God Bless, T.. | 12.13.04 |

Being from a family of christians, my mom with her masters in theology, and my dad an ordained baptist minister, I have to say that this relates closely to what we run into as a family seeking a church (as well as a job). One of the major factors contributing to our leaving the last church (and not totally voluntarily) is our clash of political views. I have since then stopped going to church completely, and my dad is still looking for a church where we can feel comfortable. There seems to be a huge gap in churches where politics are concerned.

A lot of people would feel fine leaving it well alone and just “doing” church. I, however, cannot feel comfortable with the people who somehow cannot see a connection between their christian and political lives. These people believe that we are to be passive and God will have his way. I have heard too many times “Who ever gets elected is who God elects.” I can only say back to these people that people are sinful, and maybe they didn’t notice, but it’s people casting the votes, not God. It’s our duty to live our christian lives in EVERY aspect of our lives.

I have lost faith in the church as we know it. I haven’t lost faith in God, it’s the only thing keeping me going in this country. Thanks for the breath of fresh air.

by R.. | 12.03.04 |

Thank you for posting the transscript of your sermon on DailyKos, I just read it and it was inspiring. I have been slowly turning away from the Catolic church even before this last election. The church’s handling of the pedophile issue has really disturbed me although I’m not sure that was the main reason I began to slowly stop attending services. (I would echo Gayle H. and ketemphor in that the issue is more about Christ’s teachings than any particular church). A catholic priest in my town said before the election that a vote for Kerry was a vote for sin. I e-mail the catholic diocese in MT and of course got no reply.

Its been very hard for me to remain a Catholic given what has been going on lately. I find great comfort in my religion and want the same for my children, but I have been finding it hard to expose them to a church that seems to be pushing many of its members away. Your sermon has helped remind me that it’s not the messenger (the Catholic church) it’s the message of Jesus that’s important. Thanks again

by M.. | 11.30.04 |

Laurie Walters Slade sent me this sermon, and I was so impressed I had to comment. I am a Catholic who has turned away from my own church for the very reasons you stated, among others. In fact, I don’t believe I left the church at all; it has left me. The fact that your sermon touched me so deeply is testament to the true message of Jesus; no “denomination” is the true church, and people who twist the word of the Lord for political gain are not Christians. Let him hear who has ears.

by G.. | 11.30.04 |

You’re doing some good work here. I’m not a Christian myself, having been driven away from the madness that is Southern Fundamentalism as a child. Yet upon reflection, now that I’m older and hopefully wiser, many of the teachings of Jesus himself make a lot of sense. Your understanding of Christianity is much closer to how I picture that ideal than anyone I ever met growing up in church.

At the very least, you have given hope to a few that there are churches out there which are not entirely lost to Christ’s lessons. This is surprisingly easy to forget living in the Southern US.

by k.. | 11.30.04 |

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  • HBK : “tell it to the devil…”? Man… I dunno what to say.
    Thanks for the positive feedback on my comments.

    Hey, I just say what i feel, and what I get out of the Bible. I am not mr perfect,
    but, i try, ya know?

    If I were perfect, I’d be God!

    I think being on Earth is akin to a life long test: to get to heaven, or not.
    God made the devil, and he was an angel, who rebelled.
    You seem not to be rebelling against God/Christ, IMHO.
    Why? Because you pray in private, or maybe in a small group of like-minded persons?

    That’s not heresy, IMHO.

    If you had said something wild or radical such as “I hate church, and everyone’s wrong, and I know it all, and will never pray again, etc..”
    Then I’d say that you may be on your way to seeing the Devil on judgment day.

    What; God can’t hear you if you pray at home?
    Didn’t Moses pray in the desert?
    Did Noah pray on the ark?
    I know those may be unusual circumstances that I had mentioned, Moses being in the desert, or Noah on the Ark, but… God must have heard them!.
    Just curious.
    Take care/not offense.