Love - Service

“Bring Us Back To A Unity of Love”

good beyond all that is good,
fair beyond all that is fair,
in you is calmness
and concord.

Heal the dissensions
that divide us from one another
and bring us back to a unity of love
bearing some likeness
to your divine nature.


– Dionysius of Alexandria, A.D. 264

This is from another of the books we got at the Hastings Public Library annual book sale. It’s by an experienced pastor and a veteran (victim?) of the church culture wars. What I’ve read so far is pretty good stuff.

Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
Ephesians 4:3

It does take some very serious effort – and that’s what this book is about.

[The prayer from Dionysius is quoted by Joseph Phelps in his More Light Less Heat: How Dialogue Can Transform Christian Conflicts into Growth, p xvi.]

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