Climate Change

Heat Makes Things More Complicated – That’s One Reason Global Warming is Dangerous

How many times this winter did you witness something like this: you’re watching the snow fall straight east instead of to the ground and someone says, “Wow, that’s a hot batch of global warming isn’t it?” The intention is to mock the idea that the global climate system is actually warming up – because look how COLD it is right now!

That will mean โ€“ all things considered โ€“ weather patterns becoming more erratic, highs tending higher, but lows sometimes reaching lower, storms tending to become more extreme, droughts becoming hotter, drier, and longer etc.

And we are seeing all of that.

But think a minute. If there has been heat added to the incredibly complex global weather system, what should we expect? Certainly not more uniformly balmy sunny days. Add heat into a complex and volatile system like earth’s weather system and you will get MORE volatility and unpredictability.

And that will mean – all things considered – weather patterns becoming more erratic, highs tending higher, but lows sometimes reaching lower, storms tending to become more extreme, droughts becoming hotter, drier, and longer etc.

And we are seeing all of that.

We’re seeing ice cover melting in the Arctic and the Antarctic and glaciers melting all over the world.

Let’s not kid ourselves with cheap thoughtless jokes about cold weather proving that there is no global warming. It’s evidence for just the opposite.

This is a gigantic and deadly threat. As Christians we should be praying and working instead of mocking – praying for our planet as a physical entity and an enormous and very important (to us at least) ecosystem.

It is neither honorable nor Christian nor the least bit smart to contribute to, laugh about, or refuse to resist the behaviors that lead to this:
It is, after all, the Creation of God. We should be treating it with love and respect, even if our children’s lives did NOT depend on it.

It is neither honorable nor Christian nor the least bit smart to contribute to, laugh about, or refuse to resist the behaviors that lead to this:

The time has come for judging the dead,
and for rewarding your servants the prophets
and your saints and those who reverence your name,
both small and greatโ€”
and for destroying those who destroy the earth.
– Revelation 11:18

Visits: 33

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  • Can’t resist posting this one:

    Revelation 11:18 (New American Standard Bible)

    “And the nations were enraged, and Your wrath came, and the time came for the dead to be judged, and the time to reward Your bond-servants the prophets and the saints and those who fear Your name, the small and the great, and to destroy those who destroy the earth.โ€

    [emphasis mine]

    It’s really sad – and I believe heretical – that theologies touting Christianity’s putative mission to destroy the earth in order to provoke a “rapture” are sprouting up all over. Doesn’t seem like people read the Bible too carefully at that rate.
