American Empire, War Nazism, Fascism

Officer Believes US War-Making Makes Us Like Nazis

It’s sickening to make such comparisons, even implicitly. But I’m not the only one who sees some significant parallels. (See related PublicChristian posts here.)

Can we marvel that Christians did not resist more back then? Christians today – at least certain major parts of “Christendom” – are not at all resistant today. They are enthusiastic supporters.

ALDERSHOT – A British Air Force doctor on trial for refusing to go to Iraq because he thought the war was illegal said on Wednesday he believed the United States was the moral equivalent of Nazi Germany.

Australian-born Flight Lieutenant Malcolm Kendall-Smith could face an unlimited jail sentence for disobeying an order to go to Iraq last year and four orders to prepare for his deployment, in the first British case of its kind.

“As early as 2004 I regarded the United States to be on a par with Nazi Germany as regards its activities in the Gulf,” he told the court.

Prosecutor David Perry asked: “Are you saying the U.S. is the moral equivalent of the Third Reich?” to which Kendall-Smith replied “That’s correct.” …

I love the Air Force today as much as the day I volunteered, sir,” he said …

[Wednesday, April 12, 2006, Reuters, thanks to CommonDreams]

It’s important that we hear that juxtaposition of sentiment. He loves the Air Force. He believes the war is illegal and immoral. It is possible to hold both sentiments in an honest and informed heart. That is a very important fact to absorb.

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  • Thanks, John (alias MJ). I remember well. Am still enjoying our little entertainment on the (less entertaining) Iran war thread, earlier this year.

    I’ll be back soon with some longer, and (sorrily) rather stiff, contributions. But, at least, I can see, you are wont to my style now, and can stomach my message. I hope, I’ll be found able to stomach it myself.

    Thanks again, and loves to you all.

  • Mr Bauer! Hello! It has been months(6-8) since I last posted here.(I was formerly callingmyself Mike jackson, then came out with my real name, John L).

    Just wanted to say Hello. And Larry does a great job of running things on here.

  • You are right: It’s a very, very important fact to absorb – and yet, it isn’t demanding of us any more than a true understanding of the word “patriotism”, – missing almost anywhere in our contemporary world, at least within its mainstreams of culture.