Religious Right

The Profound Silence

I get a daily email newsletter / update from Dobson’s “Focus on the Family” (“Citizen Link“). As of today, the silence about Pat Robertson’s terrorism-promoting remarks (on Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela, see recent posts) is eloquent.

I guess “moral values” and “family values” do not overlap into issues of economy, political democracy, oil, and international relations.

And apparently they do not apply to prominent spokespersons for the radical right (or “fundamentalist clerics” who have great influence in the government) in this country.

I think they should.

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  • Quite a simple question, purporting nothing: What exactly is/are a/some “madrasas'”. Can’t find this word anywhere.

  • 10. anonymous Says:
    August 29th, 2005 at 9:40 pm

    As a believer, I do not feel responsible for communicating with the enemy. And I consider the televangelists who support the regime to be the enemy of both the church and the people.

    Good for you anonymous, but how would the rest of the world know that they are enemies if you don’t speak out in public forums?

    11. Barb Says:
    August 30th, 2005 at 5:52 am

    I’m not sure if W Harper e-mailed Dobson etal and told them he thought they were Christian mullahs or not. I can only say that I for one am not going to cast pearls before swine. I say what I say in the hopes that those not completely led astray yet will think about what they follow.

    I did, and I excoriated them for “…creating fascist madrasas’ under the guise of religion.” But my question for you Barb is this: Where exactly are you “casting your pearls” in this matter?

    12. Martin Bauer Says:

    …August 30th, 2005 at 6:54 am Yet, I fear, I must disenchant Mr. Harper. It is not proper to expect us Christians to criticize self-appointed God-warriors on the basis of accepting them as our own misguided companions. I, for my part, will always try to take my stance to myself and others according to my best understanding of what that God wills who, as I believe, has authoritatively, yet not objectively, disclosed his “heart and mind” to humans in the Bible.

    In no manner, Mr. Bauer, could you increase my “disenchantment” with organized religion. I admire your statement, but then you went on(very courageously in my opinion) to criticize them, thank you for that.


    By now you might be asking what is this idiot (me) trying to do here? I am trying to get you to understand that we have a common enemy who is intent on destroying the American way of life. And, that further we must work together to “Let America, Be America Again” to quote the title of the Langston Hughes poem. Here is an organization that I am working with:

    If you go to this web site I think you might find something of interest to you. I hope so, we are all in this together.

    Kind regards,
    W. Harper

  • On Pat Robertson’s website, there is a corner called “Ask Pat a Question”. Here, you can choose among several categories, such as “Sickness and Healing”, “End Times”, “Spiritual Gifts and Spiritual Counterfeits”, and type him some lines, to your hearts content. On Wednesday, I chose “Living in a post-September 11 world” and made some use of this obliging provision, which, as my last comment “Did he apologize” grew longer and longer, I decided should not be foisted on public here. But now, the discussion is already brought up, I think, I’ll do. Yet, I fear, I must disenchant Mr. Harper. It is not proper to expect us Christians to criticize self-appointed God-warriors on the basis of accepting them as our own misguided companions. I, for my part, will always try to take my stance to myself and others according to my best understanding of what that God wills who, as I believe, has authoritatively, yet not objectively, disclosed his “heart and mind” to humans in the Bible.

    Thus I wrote, – though not expecting any answer:

    Are you aware that South America lives in a post September 11 world for 32 years, since 09-11-73 when CIA worked to topple the democratic president Salvador Allende of Chile – replacing him by a remorseless dictator?

    You say, you apologize. Well, I appreciate this to the point of wishing you heartily God’s grace to live up to that claim – that you honestly apologize. For I do not see how this can be.

    The end of your observations following up apology is to reinforce every scrap of thought having led you in logic manner to call for assassination in the first place. You make Chavez appear the like of Saddam and Hitler. You affirm it is wiser to do away with dictators. You even pride yourself at having drawn government attention to Venezuela, whithout saying where this may possibly lead up to, other than returning to the bleak history of Chile. You even pounce on Mr. Chavez for claiming himself under persecution, as if paranoia would incite any kind of person other than a bully to prove it true.

    Do you never have any misgivings at reading about peace-working and mercifulness as being Christ’s absolute demands for redemption? Do you never feel any urge to show, you have already bent your knees to the Savior, who has chosen to side with the very most miserable on earth?

  • I’m not sure if W Harper e-mailed Dobson etal and told them he thought they were Christian mullahs or not. I can only say that I for one am not going to cast pearls before swine. I say what I say in the hopes that those not completely led astray yet will think about what they follow.
