December 16, 2004
Here’s an old Christmas poem we love. We have it memorized and quote it together several times a year. It was written by a man C S Lewis admired very much, George MacDonald.
They all were looking for a King
to slay their foes and lift them high.
Thou cam’st, a little baby thing
that made a woman cry.
O Son of Man, to right my lot,
naught but thy presence can avail.
But on the road thy wheels are not,
nor on the sea thy sail!
My how or when thou wilt not heed,
but come down thine own secret stair,
that thou may’st answer all my need,
yea, every bygone prayer.
-George MacDonald
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
from Larry and Connie Harvey, December 2004
PS: We really are getting close to having the new version of this site up. A day or two, I think. Keep checking back! And thanks for all your interest, patience, and supportive feedback.
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